gtable Unreleased

  • Made a range of internal changes to increase performance of gtable construction, these include:
    • Use more performant data.frame constructor .
    • Treat layout data.frame as list when indexing and modifying it.
    • Use length of widths and heights fields instead of ncol() and nrow() internally.
    • Substitute stopifnot(...) with if(!...) stop().
  • Better documentation, including a new README, a vignette on performance profiling and a pkgdown site.

  • New logo

gtable 0.2.0 2016-02-26

  • Switch from preDrawDetails() and postDrawDetails() methods to makeContent() and makeContext() methods (@pmur002, #50). This is a better approach facilitiated by changes in grid. Learn more at

  • Added a file to track changes to the package.

  • Partial argument matches have been fixed.

  • Import grid instead of depending on it.

gtable 0.1.2 2012-12-05

  • print.gtable now prints the z order of the grobs, and it no longer sort the names by z order. Previously, the layout names were sorted by z order, but the grobs weren’t. This resulted in a mismatch between the names and the grobs. It’s better to not sort by z by default, since that doesn’t match how indexing works. The zsort option allows the output to be sorted by z.